Launched by Keith Breckenridge(University of KwaZulu-Natal) and Benedict Carton(George Mason University), this project employs technology donated by the Internet Archive to help South Africans establish a digital repository that preserves endangered primary sources, using Zotero software to enhance the organization of this expandable collection of meta-data... learn more
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Mining Industry Evidence and Report: Schedule of native wages, Witwatersrand
Here is a sample of a digitized archival document. Description and annotation will go here.
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Mining Industry Evidence and Report: Index [part 3: "Netherlands Railway, authority for regulations of" to "__ U.S.A., working costs of"]
Here is a sample of a digitized archival document. Description and annotation will go here.
Mining Industry Evidence and Report: Index [part 2: "Dynamite, expenditure of, and excess cost to the East Rand Propriety and New Kleinfontein Companies in" to "Netherlands Railway, refund of railage on lost goods by"]
Here is a sample of a digitized archival document. Description and annotation will go here.
Mining Industry Evidence and Report: Index [part 1: "Absorption of European money by railways and taxation" to "Dynamite, imported (cost), price of"]
Here is a sample of a digitized archival document. Description and annotation will go here.